Category: Point Clouds

3D point cloud of the 1000 years old Ivenacker Oack Trees

Its always a challenge to work on vegetation point cloud renderings with multi view image matching concepts. In complex 3-dimensional environments and for horizontal image capturing – using a drone is often just not possible. Here horizontal imaging can be an affordable alternative to TLS (Terrestrial Lidar Scanning) systems. Drawback of most OTS consumer electronics camera systems is the missing...

Oblique and cross-grid UAV imaging flight plans – a sneak preview of the analysis of resulting 3D point cloud properties for deciduous forest surfaces – low cost 3D mapping with the Phantom 4R (RTK)

Flight plans / photogrammetry / structure from motion / Metashape / oblique imaging / 3D point clouds / Lastools / Phantom 4R RTK / beech tree / deciduous trees / forest stand structure “Oblique and cross-grid UAV imaging flight plans – a sneak preview of the analysis of resulting 3D point cloud properties for deciduous forest surfaces” by Sören Hese....

The Hainich Flight Campaign

At the end of August 2018 a consortium was initiated by Dr. C. Thiel (DLR) to start a flight campaign within the Hainich national parc area in Thuringia (DLR Jena: Dr. C. Thiel, FSU Jena: Dr. S. Hese, University Göttingen (LS für Bioklimatologie, Prof. Dr. A. Knohl / Dipl.-Ing F. Tiedemann), national parc Hainich: Manfred Grossmann & Andreas Henkel).  The region is...

Punktwolkenmodelle für die Archäologie

Die unterschiedlichen Datensätze der Befliegungen für die Grabungen auf dem Alten Gleisberg und bei Kuckenburg in 2017 sind nun vollständig an das Seminar für Ur- und Frühgeschichtliche Archäologie übergeben worden. Die abgeleiteten Datenlayer umfassen jeweils Punktwolkenmodelle im LAS Format, DSM (Digitales Oberflächenmodell ohne Normalisierung) und jeweils das Orthomosaik mit Georeferenzierung von der Befliegung. Alle Daten wurden nach UTM32 WGS84 georeferenziert. Insgesamt wurden Daten...

Speeding up Agisoft Photoscan

For some of the copter data processing folks Agisoft Photoscan turns out to be the most important tool to calculate point clouds, orthoimages and nadir data mosaics. Problem: very long processing times with dense point cloud calculations with high or ultra-high settings (full resolution image matching with SfM (Structure from Motion) algorithms). Some nice net finds show how multicore processing...